"Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world"
I once read in my mother's magazine and thought Marilyn Monroe couldn't be wrong. I already had the right shoes, so I waited patiently for the promise to come true. I was a rebellious teenager at the time, but the subject of shoes always united my mother and me. We could talk about them for hours, bemusedly deciding whether to make winter jackboots in a cognac or caramel shade of brown. And red suede sandals with 8 or 10 centimeter heels. A magic was being produced between us, something I call resonating today.

I am the daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter of cobblers.
Shoes are an integral part of my life. I tried to cheat destiny and pursue a corporate career, but to no avail. Now I have a brilliant Husband and three delightful Daughters. In our spare time from cooking, reading fairy tales, sticking patches on injuries and hanging laundry, we make shoes. Minimalist shoes for women who like to live their own way: those grown up and those still small, in which they feel freedom and simply delight.

Forms that bring harmony
I like simple forms, classic proportions, striking details. I appreciate natural leather for its character, which gives nobility to objects, for its softness, flexibility. I admire the fact that, being beautiful over time, it reflects the history of its owner. It's my dad, with his worked hands, who gives shape to my ideas. He constructs patterns.

Feel pleasure in the world of MIUMMASH
As a family, we love spending time together. We enjoy traveling together, good, healthy food. We enjoy meeting people and learning about their stories. Each of us is different, each unique, and together we make a great team. We hope that our shoes will make you happy. That they will beautify your everyday life and special moments. That you will find what you have been looking for a long time. Make yourself comfortable with us. You are welcome!